Successful organisations and individuals reach success by getting good at doing certain things. But past success can also be a limit to future success when it becomes a competency trap – a strength that you over-rely on and over-invest in – to the exclusion of exploring new ways of working.
This is where three key outsight practices can help.
Team leaders who consistently reach out to other parts of the company and establish strong relationships with peers outside their department build higher-performing teams.
Networking with a wider range of stakeholders widens your horizons. It exposes you to new understanding, new connections and new challenges.
The model of innovation in many companies is still one of big bets taken by a few thinkers and executed by the rest of the organisation. Evidence suggests that most innovation doesn’t happen like that.
It is the steady exploration and challenging of the existing process is what drives innovation in most companies. As innovation becomes critical to companies’ survival, it is crucial.
For years the model in organisations has been to think something through completely and arrive at a strategy before acting. But many teams have discovered that by putting individuals and interactions before processes and tools, they deliver more value more quickly.
Testing hypotheses, empowering experiments, embracing setbacks and accepting accountability are key to building a resilient organisation.