We have partnered with an impressive portfolio of global clients for over 30 years. We have built and continue to build our clients’ growth by changing the mindset and mental agility of organisations, leaders and teams. We engage and help companies use evidence-based insights from cutting-edge psychological research. We work in 4 continents 40 countries and 4 languages. We sharpen minds and challenge conformity to help individuals and teams make smarter decisions and work with more purpose.

Our core is people.



Our experience is not based on one model, one sector or one geography: we have 30 years’ experience of developing the human side of organisations around the world.

Our values

We believe in people: their engagement their development and their contribution. And we believe in numbers: building performance by using statistically proven techniques that have been shown to work. Psychological safety, growth mindset, and collective intelligence are human technologies based on evidence from psychological research which offer a leap forward for the performance of your teams and leaders.


Psychological safety

Psychological safety is the belief among team members that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes. Backed by years of psychological research and hard data, it is one of the most powerful differentiators of team performance available. It is also a major engine of organisational learning. When Google conducted its Project Aristotle analysis of high-performing teams, it discovered that psychological safety was the biggest single driver of high performance in teams.

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Growth mindset

One of the biggest drivers of individuals and group performance is mindset. A “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are fixed quantities which we can’t change very much. A “growth mindset,” on the other hand, thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of lack of talent but as a springboard for growth. Why waste time proving over and over how great you are, when you could be getting better? Years of psychological research show that a growth mindset promotes resilience, development and performance, in individuals and in teams. You can build a growth mindset in your organisation by creating a company culture and leadership behaviours that foster it. This is the mindset that allows organisations to thrive during challenging times.

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Collective intelligence

What makes the difference in teamwork is not the quality of the individuals on the team, but the quality of their interactions. Hard data proves that building a team culture around engaging and challenging structures for interaction leads to high performance. Despite this, companies often use a limited number of tools to facilitate collective problem-solving: presentations, managed discussions, open discussions, status reports and brainstorm sessions. Organisations adapt more slowly than individuals and need to accelerate that process by using group intelligence better than those five traditional tools can. In reality there are many more effective tools for group facilitation. Widening the range of group interaction tools and using ‘liberating structures’ greatly strengthens the quality of team decisions by leveraging on group intelligence.

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